Monday, May 31, 2010

First Blog Post / The Mission

During my travels (as a DJ), there's trial and error....much more the latter than the former. You live and you learn. You move on. You gain experience. You repeat the positive and eliminate the negative. The purpose of this blog -- to share my experiences about being a DJ. Not necessarily the technical aspects of DJing or mixing. It's the other stuff: hotels, traveling/airports/airplanes, things to bring, things to leave at home, what to do, what not to do. Mindset. Positive attitude. In my experience, there really wasn't anyone I could ask about these sorts of things. There also wasn't anyone that took a couple of minutes to show me the ropes. It's not always about showing up to the gig, getting a few drinks, playing and returning to the hotel. The life of a DJ is much more. The DJ life has given me so's time I give back. Every person is different....some of the concepts/ideas/topics might not work for you; personal preference. It's my thing. These things don't have to be "your thing", but if you want them to, go for it.

I'm always open to discussion and suggestion.

If one person finds this blog useful: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


  1. Definitely looking forward to seeing where this one goes my friend!

  2. More posts Joebama! The world always needs more people telling it how it is. --Alex / Rx
